
Ambiant Jenkins build status

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The Orb

The Orb is an Arduino based ambiant device representing the state of Jenkins build jobs. It connects wirelessly to the Internet, parses the build file at /cc.xml and interpret the results.

Color Codes




When there is no build activity and all build are in a success state, the Orb will turn off after 2 minutes.

Change WiFi Settings

Open the Orb, toggle switch #1 to SETUP, cycle power.

On a computer, join adhoc network Wifly-GSX-dd. Make sure you have a self assigned IP address in the 169.254.1.x subnet.

Telnet to the Orb and enter command mode with $$$. You can then enter your WiFi settings.

> telnet 2000
set wlan ssid YOUR-SSID
set wlan phrase YOUR-PASSWORD
set wlan auth 4 (0=none, 4=WPA2)
set ip dhcp 1
set wlan join 2

Toggle switch #1 to WIFI, cycle power.

Jenkins Configuration

Make sure that READ permissions is granted for /cc.xml. This opens a hole in security to allow unauthenticated access to /cc.xml at the root of the server. This URI provides monitoring capability to a range of desktop clients. Enabling this option reveals limited information about your build to the whole world. Use with care.

Unit Tests

rake all